“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

We would like to share one of our favorite verses with you today.

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Remember that no matter how high the mountain you are climbing in your life right now, Jesus CAN help you climb it. The verse did not say ‘some things’ it says ‘all things’ YOU can do ALL THINGS through Christ. He WILL give you strength. Do not be too proud to ask for help. Jesus wants to hear from you today. He is waiting on you.

God Bless!

I’m not ashamed to stand and say I love Jesus
I’m not ashamed to say I’m trusting in His Word
I’m not ashamed to lift up high the blood stained banner
Because I’m saved, I’m not ashamed

Sometimes we as Christians
We wait up on the shelf
We’re ashamed to lift our hands in praise
We wait on someone else
But Jesus died at Calvary
God’s plan He did fulfill
And that is why I stand today
Trying to do His will

In this life we have His blessings
Yet we fail to praise His name
He said if we were ashamed of Him
To us He’d be the same
When-He-gave His life at Calvary
He did it for all men
So-that-I could stand and proudly say
I’ve been born again

I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Romans 12:1

Nourish Your Body

Day after day we make choices about what we will eat and drink, what we watch on television, and which books we will read. We consciously decide where we will go on vacation or where we’ll go to church. We often think these things don’t really matter that much, not in the long run. But all of these decisions can affect our spirit and our body—how we feel, what we think, who we are.

Hopefully, our choices make us feel closer to God, but sometimes they draw us away. If we aren’t careful and deliberate about all the variables influencing our minds, hearts, and bodies, we open ourselves up for temptation and snares from our enemy.

Today, nourish and protect your body as a gift from God, caring for it as a good steward.

Pray: “Father, despite my imperfections, thank you for the body I have. Help me to take the best care possible in every choice I make.”

The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.

Psalm 103:19

The King of Heaven

As children, most of us enjoyed stories where princesses and princes found true love and the monsters were always defeated. Such fairy tales often end with order, goodness, and joy restored to the characters and the kingdom. While “happily ever after” rarely seems to happen in real life, there’s something in us that instinctively longs for peace, harmony, and contentment.

This longing is part of our desire for the ultimate King to reign and to restore our lives. We want our Father to dispel sin, suffering, and darkness once and for all. We want an eternal “happily ever after.”

What we may forget in the midst of our longing is that we get to participate in this process. As royal heirs by adoption through Christ, we have already been guaranteed eternity in heaven as well as an abundant life of purposeful service in this life. No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, the happy ending has already been written.

Pray: “Dear God, you are the Author of my life and know the future chapters of my story. I don’t have to worry about starting a new chapter since I know I’m part of your epic.”

You can grow closer to God with Dr. Tabor’s Jesus Daily® Devotional Book at Amazon.com or fine bookstores everywhere.

By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.

1 Corinthians 6:14

Resurrection Life

Occasionally, especially as we get older, we begin to wonder what our legacy will be. What will we have accomplished with our life that will endure after we’ve left this earth? Are we truly living out of our God-given purpose, or are we settling for less?

We tend to let our circumstances dictate how we feel, which in turn influences how we act. When we attach this kind of power to events beyond our control, we set ourselves up for dissatisfaction, disappointment, and discouragement. With this bleak mindset, soon it seems as though nothing matters, that regardless of what we do, it doesn’t really change anything.

This is not living in the abundant life of the resurrected Christ. Circumstances remain beyond our control, and our souls will ache with the painful weight of disappointment sometimes. But when our hope is in Christ, we can see beyond our momentary discomfort. We can trust God with our past, present, and future, including our legacy.

Pray: “Jesus, thank you for rising from the dead and bringing abundant life. I want to trust you fully, knowing that what I do is meaningful for your kingdom.”

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Psalm 150:6

The Gift of Laughter

When we think about praising God, we often consider praying and singing as our primary ways, which they probably are. However, we praise our Father when we stop to admire the beauty of his creation or revel in the goodness of his gifts. One of the most overlooked ways we can worship is having wholesome fun and sharing a laugh with one another.

Like our tears, laughter binds us together in contagious ways. We appreciate and admire people who don’t take themselves too seriously, who can laugh at themselves or see the humor in everyday life. God shares in our laughter as well. Just as a baby’s giggle or child’s laughter warms the heart of her parents, we know that God delights in our ability to experience the soul liberation that occurs when we laugh.

Today, look for the lighter side of the situations you encounter. Thank God for your ability to laugh. Praise him for this wonderful gift.

Pray: “Lord, laughter is indeed good medicine. Even when I’m struggling, I’m glad that I can still see the humor in life and laugh with friends.”

You can grow closer to God with Dr. Tabor’s Jesus Daily® Devotional Book at Amazon.com or fine bookstores everywhere.

Source: https://www.jesusdaily.com/ashamed-jesus-listen-powerful-song/?fbclid=IwAR0c_D4vYZhmv2HIuqHPlrBlyDPK70klqrXpymct-bmU9osYIWZlH44XGow

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